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However, there will probably be a couple of counting problems (chapter 3). Will focus mainly on chapters 5, 6, and 7. The exam is cumulative in the sense that material from the later chapters depends on earlier chapters, but it In order to pass the class, you must be present on August 12 to take the final exam. Final Exam (35%) - The final examination will be held on Friday, August 12.Tests (40%) - There will be two "mid-term" tests, each worth 20% of your final grade.Online Homework (20%) - There will be 7 homework assignments to submit online,.The tests and final exam and still get a 95% for the course (assuming you have a perfect score on allĮxams, tests, and homeworks - but in my experience "no-shows" never ace the course). So, if you have an emergency,įamily obligation, or other personal matter, you can miss one class and it won't effect your grade.Īlso, if you believe attending my lectures is a waste of your time, it is possible to just show up for I will deduct 1% for every two classes you miss. Attendance (5%) - Attendance is mandatory.Textbook by Nahin (more on that below), this will help solidify your understanding of the key concepts of probability,Īnd you should do especially well in this course. If you go beyond this and try some of the computer exercises that I will recommend from the (optional)

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You will have to do a lot of work in this course, but if you attend all the lectures, keep up with the WebWorkĪssignments, and study for the tests by trying many problems from the textbook, you should do well. You must be in class on that day to take the exam.

  • Exam - There will be one final exam on Friday, August 12.
  • Tests - There will be two "mid-term" tests ( Test I on Ch.
  • Homework - There will be 7 homework assignments, or WeBWork, to complete on the internet.
  • Attendance - Attending all classes is mandatory.
  • Here are some important points about the course (more details appear below): To work hard and work consistently to keep up.

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    If you work at it each day, learning math can be a painless, easy, and even enjoyable experience.Īs this is a summer course, the pace will be brisk. Like most things, you acquire skill through practice. In my experience, math cannot be learnedīy "cramming" a few days before an exam. You should work at it every day, even if only for a brief period. My philosophy when it comes to learning math is that it should be approached like learning a language. This includes homework (WeBWork) dues dates, test dates, and exam dates.

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    Schedule Textbook Information Textbook Exercises (recommended) Online Homework: WeBWork (required) Slides and other items discussed in lecture Software and Other Resources Office hours: Monday 13:30-14:30 and by appointment. Math 371: Elementary Probability Theory (Summer 2011) Instructor:

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