Age-adjusted BMI and height z-scores generally fell within the normal range per World Health Organization standards at entry and during follow-up. Results: Among the 350 boys with OCP measurements, median serum hexachlorobenzene (HCB), β-hexachlorocyclohexane (βHCH), and p, p´-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene ( p, p´-DDE) concentrations were 159 ng/g lipid, 168 ng/g lipid, and 287 ng/g lipid, respectively.

The longitudinal associations of serum OCPs with annual measurements of body mass index (BMI), height, and height velocity were examined by multivariate mixed-effects regression models for repeated measures, controlling for potential confounders. Physical examinations were conducted at entry and annually. At study entry, 350 boys had serum OCPs measured. Methods: A cohort of 499 boys enrolled in the Russian Children’s Study between 20 at 8–9 years of age were followed prospectively for 4 years. Objective: We evaluated the associations of OCPs with longitudinally assessed growth among peripubertal boys from a Russian cohort with high environmental OCP levels. Background: Limited human data suggest an association of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) with adverse effects on children’s growth.